Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sunflower seeds for Skin and Health

Benefits of Sunflower Seeds: Having beautiful skin, clean and healthy of course have to be to everyone's liking, what with having a maximum body health!. Nature has provided many benefits for all of life, so do we as humans are highly benefited by the many natural materials, such as grains also have meaning and significance to health.

There are many different types and varieties of grains that can be consumed by humans, but only a few of the different types that are known to have many health benefits and beauty of skin. As noted in the title of "Efficacy of sunflower seeds for skin and health", although familiar to us, there are many things we do not know the benefits widely. maybe this time we often see is only a flower seeds as snacks made ??"sunflower seeds sunflower seeds".


Before you know more clearly about the seeds we will review its origins from where? icon Efficacy smile sun flower seeds for Skin and Health course of sunflower. Sunflowers have a botanical name "Helianthus annuus L. "Plants are still relatives (Asteraceae) or similar Kenikir, this flower is often used as ornamental plants in our country. But in terms of the cultivation of this plant, has been done for thousands of years ago by the Indians as a food ingredient.

This plant has spread to the entire continent, at the time / era of Spanish explorers. Well, starting from here (currently spreading in continental Europe) the benefits and usefulness of sunflower seeds have to know more, predicted the 17th century until the 19th century it had a wider utilization. In the early 19th century used sunflower seeds in a mixture of oil and food sharing.


Thanks to the development of science, and some experts have done research on sunflower seed oil, from a variety of research results have to know that content of sunflower oil is very good for health. Types of vegetable oils, sunflower seeds are manifold (polyunsaturated), it is very high in vitamin E which provides the daily requirement of 100%, 50% of your daily vitamin B1 than it iay very rich mineral content and other types of vitamins such as magnesium, tryptophan, selenium , folate, and vitamin B5


As we have heard, that vitamin E is very good in terms of keeping and caring for skin beauty and health. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant to ward off free radicals that are found in all our bodies. Of course with the high levels of vitamin E in sunflower seed oil can provide tremendous benefits to the skin. Because he can maintain the firmness and slowing premature aging.
The nature of this is vegetable oil, means a good news if you are going to take advantage of vitamin E oil which comes from natural materials. Not just as a skin treatment, but vitamin E from sunflower seeds are good enough to take care of hair health. Unlike other types of vitamin E for hair on the market, which probably is synthetic, so the efficacy of sunflower seed oil, should be considered for treatment of your skin and hair healthy.


Other properties of sunflower seed oil was known well and provide benefits to our health. This is due to the content of Vitamin E include powerful antioxidant, it has anti-inflammatory effects and is very beneficial for people with health problems such as having arthritis, asthma and eczema. Vitamin E also keeps good HDL cholesterol that prevents the body from oxidation (bad cholesterol that can block arteries when oxidized). Other beneficial compounds such as phytosterols in vitamin E is very good to help lower blood cholesterol as well.


Which is a major reason that sunflower seeds are very good for health there are some minerals in it. Mineral magnesium is also known to have the sunflower seeds that provide benefits for lowering blood pressure (hypertension) and is able to relieve headaches caused by migraine. Besides the mineral selenium is also present in seeds, these compounds play an important role for DNA repair in damaged cells, also helps prevent the growth of cancer cells.

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